The Mrs. here!
I've always been a sucker for a good deal. My mom was (and is) great at getting things on sale, shopping ahead, and clipping coupons when we were growing up. My dad used the phrase "it's not on sale if you don't actually need it" on a regular basis, and even helped me find one of my prom dresses for $36!!! :) As I've "grown up" the past few years being a working adult, I have realized the value of making my money go farther. One way to do that is by couponing, but this can be VERY overwhelming. I've gotten more "serious" about couponing the past couple years for various reasons, and have discovered a few things that have made this practice a little less insane for me....hope they can help you out!
Do what you can do! Some weeks I'm really on my game....I get all the right coupons clipped, get to whatever stores I need to, and save a bunch of money! Some weeks I don't use any coupons and just do the best I can with getting reduced prices at the store. AND THAT'S OK! :)
Let someone else do the hard work for you! I've primarily used Pocket Your Dollars, but I know there are other sites out there that can help. Some weeks I look up info for 1 store because I know I only have time to get to one. Other weeks I can be more flexible and head to multiple stores.
Can I give my girls a shout out?!? One of my dear friends has been nothing short of an inspiration in her couponing ventures....she is systematic and effective! :) But she doesn't keep this to herself, she shares it! She created a facebook page for about 30 of her girlfriends where we can all share our couponing "stuff"....sometimes we ask others for specific coupons they may not use (I was able to save a TON on formula from these wonderful women sending me their coupons) other times we post pictures of our "couponing success stories." Plus, as women, don't we all just love to connect....even if it's about saving money?!?!
Get a system that works for YOU! There are a lot of different ways you can choose to organize yourself for the most beneficial and time-efficient just try something out and see how it works for you. Some ideas to try: accordian folder, 3 ring binder, paper clips, giant rubberbands, envelopes by store.
Ask the hubs for some help. Divide and conquer is our motto! Often times, I will make the list and do the "research" for what we need to buy, and then I'll call out the date and name of the coupon book and have the Mr. cut them out. Strangely enough, we enjoy this task together because we know we're saving money, AND it gives the Mr. a little more appreciation for all of the times that I tackle the groceries and couponing on my own. ;)
I realize that all of these things may seem like no-brainers, but for me that is the beauty of *UN*extreme couponing. I am continually learning the balance of saving money and saving my sanity (as well as the sanity of those around me!). Do you have any good couponing/money saving tips? I'd love to know what you do to help your family save money!
Thanks Ma and Pa for the great advice. Don't forget about the envelope bookkeeping system when we were young. Spend, Tithe, and Save. That was a great way to begin learning the importance of saving money and giving back.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the time you invest in helping others in the couponing journey; this is time well spent. It is so great to pass on your tips and receive tips from others; this is all so helpful. Great job on your couponing and saving; a little here and a little there adds up over time.