Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dating A-Z

Hello, it's Mr. & Mrs. here! 

In a few short weeks we will be celebrating our 4th anniversary-yay! As we enter into our fifth year of married life, we decided that a fun challenge was in order for this our way through the alphabet!  We can't remember where we first read this idea (it was in some sort of marriage/relationship book) but we thought it was really clever.  So here's our challenge: to have a date with each letter of the alphabet before our 5 year anniversary.  Because of the stage of life we're in, we are going to allow Little Miss to come on some of these dates too. :)  We are also going to make it a goal to get creative with our ideas so that we can try some new things and places, but hopefully not spend lots of money either.  We are open for suggestions, so add some comments if you have any ideas for us!  Feel free to join in our challenge as well....whether you're newlyweds, have a busy house full of kiddos, or single, this challenge is really about being purposeful in spending time and making memories with the ones you love.

We are starting with A today....heading to Applebee's for supper (those who know us well, know that we of course have a gift card!).  Then we are going to have Angelfood cake for dessert at home, and play Apples to Apples.  We've always wanted to go to Alaska (which is definitely out of our budget and time restraints right now), so instead we're going to finish the night by watching a documentary of Alaska that we borrowed from the library.  There you have it! :)

Remember, let us know if you have any creative ideas for us to try for various alphabet letters, or if you are joining in this challenge with us! We'd love to hear from you. :)


  1. Cute idea!!! How about a camp out in your home when you get to C!!!

    1. Good one! We had to do that back in our apt. one summer b/c the ac was in the living room....would bring back good memories! :) Thanks!
