Monday, January 23, 2012

No football? No fear!

Hello faithful followers! It’s Mr. and Mrs. here.

As the NFL season winds down (and let’s be honest….if you’re a Vikes fan, the season ended a while ago) many people are left wondering, “what will I do with my Sunday now that football is over?”  Here are a few ideas to get you through the post-season blues in the positive way.

Think of others. We are lucky in our home that we both enjoy sports, but that is not the case in many homes.  If your spouse and/or kids have put up with you yelling at the TV, changing your fantasy team over and over, and consuming un-natural amounts of chili, then it’s time to try something they want to do!  Maybe it’s a hobby that your spouse really enjoys, cooking a Sunday meal together, taking in a new place with your kids, or even visiting the in-laws (gasp!).  Whatever it is, show them the same support for their passions that they’ve shown you: put on a smile and enjoy the time together.

Rest. This may sound obvious, but this past Sunday with only 2 games on (both later in the day) we actually read a book together and fell asleep on the couch while the little one was napping.  We couldn’t remember the last time that happened, and it felt so nice to just rest.

Game Day.  If you like the competitiveness that sports bring, start a Family Game Day to replace those Sunday afternoon lulls.  In my (Mrs.) childhood, we were very fond of “Wrestle Tackle Football” in the living room! But it doesn’t have to be a “physical” game day either…it could be good ‘ole board games, video games (if you have them), card games, or just make up your own! Usually these game days end up in laughter, and with a pile of great memories too.

Your turn.  What do you enjoy doing on Sunday afternoons, sans football?  We’d love to hear your ideas…


  1. How about what do I wish I could do on a Sunday afternoon? With 3 girls from 2 months to 5 years, I fallow their schedule. Don't get me wrong I love it! But, I (we) would rest, then I would invite my hubby into my sewing room to cut fabric together :) I could really catch up on some projects :) Bryce, I think you could enjoy this!

  2. Big fan of the "Wrestle Tackle Football" hahaha!
